
Thiago Silva oskyldig till alla anklagelser säger Silvas advokat

Enligt Thiago Silvas advokat är Silva inte misstänkt för någonting just nu, då domaren inte kunnat hitta bevis nog för att binda honom vid något av de brott han anklagats för. Trots det sitter han fängslad i väntan på formella anklagelser.

Enligt advokaten utgjorde han inget hot mot exfrun eller någon annan, han brukade inget våld mot polisen som arresterade honom. Polisen som grep honom kunde inte bevittna något allvarligt.

“So far it is a claim, Thiago was not guilty of anything. He was not even officially accused of anything.”

Advokaten tror vidare att det som står i polisrapporten kan vara det som exfrun har sagt men att det inte gick till på det sättet.

”It may be that what Thiago’s wife said has been taken out of context, I don’t know. There were many people there at the time, many police, but they didn’t witness anything serious”.

Advokaten anser att Silva är oskyldig till anklagelserna:

“There is a big difference in how the prosecution accused him and the way he was arrested. Thiago was arrested on two attempted assault with a risk of death, but when we went to court, the judge held that there wasn’t sufficient evidence to support such accusations.”

Inte heller skall han ha gjort motstånd i samband med arresteringen.

”He didn’t resist on the arrest. Even in the police report, the only thing they said is that it was up to them, and remember that he was very drunk when he was arrested, then Thiago was accused of showing his middle finger and getting back into the apartment. And I think what happened is that he was drunk and the cops were knocking on the door, he was asleep, opened the door to the police and surrendered.”

Källa: Globo

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