Roy Harris kommer till Kaisho

BJJ och FMA-instruktören Roy harris kommer till Kaisho i Helsingborg i slutet av januari för att instruera i fem dagar. Här följer inbjudan (på engelska)

BJJ Camp with Roy Harris

Kaisho Martial Arts Academy – Helsingborg Sweden

Saturday 28th january 2006

Seminar BJJ Part 1 10 am – 1 pm (max 30 people BJJ) 3 hours seminar

Seminar BJJ Part 2 2 pm – 5 pm (max 30 people BJJ) 3 hours seminar

Sunday 29th january 2006

Seminar BJJ Part 3 10 am – 1 pm (max 30 people BJJ) 3 hours seminar

Opportunity to have privates 2 pm – 5 pm


Saturday 28th january 2006 – Sunday 29th january 2006


Kaisho Academy

Landskronavägen 22

25232 Helsingborg

Phone: +46 42 294252

Fax: +46 42 294255



Camp fee:

3 hours weekend seminar 600 sek

( 2 parts = 1000 sek, 3 parts = 1300 sek)

Make your payment to Kaisho Academy at:

Postgiro: 589697-2 Kaisho Budoklubb

Bankgiro: 5631-7076 Kaisho Budoklubb

Iban number SE 185 000 0000 05610 100 7340


Last day to sign up 27th of january.

After this date we cant guarantee your attendance.

The seminars will cover:

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu



Mount escapes

Side mount escapes

Guard passing

Bent arm locks

Straight-arm locks

Bare arm chokes

Collar chokes

Leg locks


Strategy and tactics

Special schedule during the week

Before this weekend we have the opportunity to offer you following schedule:

Tuesday 24th january 2006

Semiprivate 9-10 am (maximum of 10 people BJJ) 2 hours semi private

Opportunity to have privates 2 pm – 4 pm

Semiprivate 7-9 pm (maximum of 10 people BJJ) 2 hours semi private

Wednesday 25th january 2006

Opportunity to have privates 2 pm – 4 pm

Seminar KALI / Escrima 7-9 pm 4 hours seminar

The kali-seminar will cover:

Filipino Kali/Eskrima

Single stick training

Double stick training

Single blade work

Stick and blade work

Empty hand vs. the blade

Strategy and tactics

Thursday 26th january 2006

Semiprivate 11 am – 1 pm (maximum of 10 people BJJ) 2 hours semi private

Opportunity to have privates 2 pm – 4 pm

Seminar BJJ 7-9 pm 4 hours seminar

Friday 27th january 2006

Semiprivate 11 am – 1 pm (maximum of 10 people BJJ) 2 hours semi private

Opportunity to have privates 2 pm – 4 pm

Blue belt exams 7 – 9 pm



Saturday 24th january 2006 – Sunday 27th january 2006


Kaisho Academy

Landskronavägen 22

25232 Helsingborg

Phone: +46 42 294252

Fax: +46 42 294255



Training fee:

– Private lessons cost 150 USD/ hour or 50 USD for 30 minutes of instruction.

– Semi-private lessons (two to ten people) are 1250 sek an hour split up between the participants.

– 3 hours weekend seminar 600 sek ( 2 set = 1000 sek, 3 set = 1300 sek)

– 4 hours seminar ( 2 hours = 400 sek, 4 hours = 600 sek)

Make your payment to Kaisho Academy at:

Postgiro: 589697-2 Kaisho Budoklubb

Bankgiro: 5631-7076 Kaisho Budoklubb

Iban number SE 185 000 0000 05610 100 7340


Last day to sign up 23rd of january.

After this date we cant guarantee your attendance.

Mr. Roy C. Harris has actively studied twenty-five (25) different styles of martial arts from around the world. He is a Senior Instructor in Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do Concepts and the Filipino Martial Arts under Sifu Paul Vunak; a 3rd degree black belt in Sho Shin Ti Karate under Sensei Larry Kurtz; a 3rd degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Professor Joe Moreira, a Certified Green Glove in Boxe Francaise Savate under Professor Salem Assli and a Basic Level Instructor in Kalis Ilustrisimo under Punong Guro Tony Diego, Guro Thomas Dy Tang and Guro Romeo Macapagal. Most recently, he received his apprentice level instructor certification in Jun Fan Martial Arts from Sifu Rick Faye, his apprentice level instructor certification in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling from Sifu Larry Hartsell and his associate level instructor certification in Jun Fan (Bruce Lee’s name) Martial Arts from Sifu Dan Inosanto.

Mr. Roy C. Harris has actively studied twenty-five (25) different styles of martial arts from around the world. He is a Senior Instructor in Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do Concepts and the Filipino Martial Arts under Sifu Paul Vunak; a 3rd degree black belt in Sho Shin Ti Karate under Sensei Larry Kurtz; a 3rd degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Professor Joe Moreira, a Certified Green Glove in Boxe Francaise Savate under Professor Salem Assli and a Basic Level Instructor in Kalis Ilustrisimo under Punong Guro Tony Diego, Guro Thomas Dy Tang and Guro Romeo Macapagal. Most recently, he received his apprentice level instructor certification in Jun Fan Martial Arts from Sifu Rick Faye, his apprentice level instructor certification in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling from Sifu Larry Hartsell and his associate level instructor certification in Jun Fan (Bruce Lee’s name) Martial Arts from Sifu Dan Inosanto.

Mr. Roy C. Harris has actively studied twenty-five (25) different styles of martial arts from around the world. He is a Senior Instructor in Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do Concepts and the Filipino Martial Arts under Sifu Paul Vunak; a 3rd degree black belt in Sho Shin Ti Karate under Sensei Larry Kurtz; a 3rd degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Professor Joe Moreira, a Certified Green Glove in Boxe Francaise Savate under Professor Salem Assli and a Basic Level Instructor in Kalis Ilustrisimo under Punong Guro Tony Diego, Guro Thomas Dy Tang and Guro Romeo Macapagal. Most recently, he received his apprentice level instructor certification in Jun Fan Martial Arts from Sifu Rick Faye, his apprentice level instructor certification in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Grappling from Sifu Larry Hartsell and his associate level instructor certification in Jun Fan (Bruce Lee’s name) Martial Arts from Sifu Dan Inosanto.

To this day, Mr. Harris continues his martial arts training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kalis Ilustrisimo and Jeet Kune Do Concepts. . Additionally, he continues to train privately in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Professor Joe Moreira of Costa Mesa, California.

Mr. Harris has taught martial arts classes, women’s self-defense workshops and investigative and protective countermeasures courses at universities, vocational colleges, hospitals and numerous private businesses throughout Southern California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico since 1987. He has taught defensive tactics to numerous law enforcement agencies and personnel. Here is a brief list of groups he has worked with in the past two decades:

Los Angeles Police Department

San Diego Police Department

Chula Vista Police Department

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office

El Cajon Police Department

Carlsbad Police Department

San Diego Sheriff’s Office

California Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission (POST)

San Diego Sheriff’s Academy – Extended Format

San Diego Narcotics Task Force

California Narcotics Officers Association (CNOA)

American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers (ASLET)

Military and Civilian Law Enforcement Association (MACLEA)

Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)

San Diego P.D. S.W.A.T.

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

San Diego Regional Police Academy

San Diego Narcotics Task Force (NTF)

US Marshal’s Office

US Secret Service

US Navy Seals

Slovakian Special Forces

Polish Special Land Forces

US Marine Corp Force Recon

Mr. Harris has taught more than 200 seminars globally: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, the Philippines, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Slovakia, England, Poland, China and the United States. He has been a guest instructor at the San Diego Regional Training Academy, the San Diego Sheriff’s Extended Format Academy and the Polish Special Land Forces Academy in Wroclaw, Poland.

Mr. Harris’ knowledge and expertise have been utilized by other organizations as well. He appeared as a subject matter expert at the 1993 Use of Force Symposium for the California Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission (POST), taught a two-day tactical ground fighting seminar at the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainer’s (ASLET) 1994 International Conference, taught a unique one day seminar to the Colorado River Indian Tribes and appeared on national television as a self-defense expert for a syndicated television show entitled “Don’t Be A Target: A Television Guide to Crime Prevention”. He has been featured in Southern California newspapers, international martial arts magazines and interviewed on a very popular San Diego based radio station.

Mr. Harris has also worked with numerous civilian groups as well. Here is a brief list of satisfied clients:

Paradise Valley Hospital


National University

Chula Vista Center Mall

Radisson Hotels

Z90 Radio Station

Balboa Park

Horton Plaza Mall Security

University of California, San Diego

San Diego State University

Holiday Inn Hotels

Numerous sororities throughout San Diego County

San Diego District Attorney’s Office

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